Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hagia sophia museum

The word Hagia  Sophia means Divine Power which is one oft the Gods attributes.The church whose name was not changed after Istanbul conquest was referred as Ayasofia  according to Turkish euphemism.
Hagia sophia is the third biggest chirch built in the same area,
The second church was rebuilt by Emperor  Theodosios   second      415  designed  as a basilica with a wooden
roof over top and with a monumental and with five naves.
It was burned and demolished in the public rebellion referred Nika in the year 532.Todays Hagia Sophia museum was built by the two  important architects of the reign of Emperor Justin anus Isidoro's from Miletos and Anthemios from Tralles and was opened to worship in 27 December  537.with a ceremony.
All the surfaces expect marble surrounded walls are ornamented  with five mosaics.Especially materials were used  such as gold , silver, glaze, and terracotta, and colorful stones in the building of the mosaics Hagia Sophia was turned, into a mosque by Sultan  Mehmed  following the conquest of Istanbul in 1453.

The building which  was damaged by various earth quakes since its construction  in Eastern Roman era .,and Ottoman periods  war fortified with supporting  blocks, were built by Mimar Sinam  .also served as fortification.
Sultan mehmed  second, made  madras-ah built in Hagia Sophia's  north,Bronze lamps which saty in each side of the Mihrab were donated to the mosque .
A comprehensive repair was carried out by Swiss architects Fossati brothers  two shown in Hagia sophia's south nave is dated to 1739. It consists of a reading lounge Hazime -Katub where the books are protected.
The building that takes place in the south of Hagia sophia is planned four cornered from outside and octagonal from inside and covered with dome.
After Sultan Mustafa and Sultan  Obraham buried  here in  17 th century  it was turned  to a tomb and the baptism tank was carried to inner yard.Treasury building which was built non Hagia Sophias north-east corner is
a circle planned and three story-es and dome is covered building is original.
Fountain that takes place in Hagia Sophias  yard south side was built in 1740 by sultan Mahmud.

Its covered  with cave and dome that is placed on eight marble column .Ottoman primary school was built in 1740 by sultan Mahmud  first.Among the building  in the yard belongs to Ottoman period,tombs, also takes place.
In these tombs symbolic coffins of five ottoman sultans:Selim second,Murad second.Muhmed third, Mustafa first, and Sultan Ibrahim.
Ans also their wives princes and sultans take place.
St.Irene was constructed in 584 by Emperor Justinaunus The construction is composed of 3 parts naved basilic  planned central place entrance place,and atrium.The church  which was turned into storage was used as Military museum  after 1908.Afterwards there were made some researches  in the environment of the empty  construction and it came to this state  today with the renovations in different periods.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

God deliver me from fools!

There are  many people around us who may be our friends or our enemies ...When we know that someone is the selfish and greedy person we try to be away from him/her and protect ourselves..but when the person is friendly about us and we think that he/she is the best person in this case is is more dangerous for us than that person whom about we know everything...
we  know that God deliver me from fools ...people say one and think another very often..
Why? I don't know .. May be they  have no the faith and trust to other people and they only try to hurt others..

The grain is in the Truth.Its clear that sometimes we don't like when we are wrong and the other person sees our faults we don't like that and we try to blame other in this situation..That happens because we want to protect ourselves.Yes we can,t trust everybody and we cant be friends to everybody but there is no need to lie someone or hurt..There are  different people and of course different thoughts...

When we made mistake and we need that someone forgive us we must remember one thing how did we act if we were that person ???and if the answer is that we can forgive than we must be sure that when we forgive someone faults it makes us relieve ,because to live in a regret sense is not good it suffers us permanent that we had a chance to forgive and regret our mistake and did not made this.. Because of our proud ,,Pride is not always a good advice for  a person if we don;t forgive others than we must not wait forgiveness about them ..

I don know what is the best to live in a pain and suffer or to blame ourselves  what happened but i know one that we must think about future and those people who need our help and support from us maybe this person did not deserves this but we must be true in front of GOD.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Common sense is not so common

I think that the best friend for me is the sheet of paper.And why? The answer is simple.I can write everything what I think and troubles me on the paper and I'm sure that my feelings and my secrets are safe on these papers
than to say anybody one.Why I think so? Because very often friends or whom we trust cant save our secrets and let them to understood someone else,, which are not very pleasant I think and everybody can agree to me.
If we trust someone and say something secret we must be sure that our secret will be safely hidden and nobody begins to gossip about that.
But we know we people like to chat about  the tittle-tattle.and in this case we don't think that may be we cause the trouble another person to speak aloud about his/her secrets.
And I make a conclusion that t he best way is to write everything on the paper what I  feel and what I think?
I have a  best  friend whom I trust with my heart and I have love ,whom  I can trust too but I prefer that very often to write my feelings on the paper and if the troubles goes and sad, than I can Tear the paper and every details and troubles which I had stays only with me and nothing more..

But we always cant write about our emotions on the paper and for that I need a friend real friend whom we trust and knows us best and who takes care about us sincerely and not pretending that he/she is our friend.
Sometimes we need to speak about the thing what makes us desperate and and makes us sad ,and for that we need to find the way to solve the problem and for that we need  a person who helps us and always be next to
us in the happiness and in the misery.

Common sense is not sometimes so common.

Everything good is in a Faith

How to make a person happy???

There are many  ways to make a person happy if we want really that :Sometimes i think that my dreams will not become true if I don't try my best to change something ...
If we thought that it has no sense to make person happy and it;s all nonsense?  Then why we want to be a happy and everything around us  why we want to be all right? Or we did not care the other peoples feelings? Maybe  we did not care about ourselves too? But it;s not true ..all of us wants to feel something different ,amazing and
wonderful in the life and it has the name : It' calls attention ,care. love and so on...

We love person and he/she is very important for us but very often we don't know how to make this person more happier next to us..Someone thinks that if we make gifts it has not sense it is a expensive or cheap gift this makes him /her happy or we say lovely warm words , take him/her to the theater, concert or cinema once a month or a week.. and thats all.No. And NO.. Yes these things are important too, to express our feelings but attention is the most valuable thing in to the relationship between two person  ..Every day, every minute and every hour we must pay attention to each other  .. we must think how to make  a bit life and day for our favorite person it may be warm words kiss, hug, to write a lovely MSG and so on ... . But the most important is that we never forget to do this if we are busy and tired even,we must pay attention to the person who is the most valuable for us and what we are doing is for him/her..Who makes our life beautiful and nice every day .

No one can teach us how to make happy our favorite person happy...It depends only us  and we must trust to our heart and mind.. Only we know  what is the best for us..

Friday, January 6, 2012


TO  day is Christmas day in Georgia and we celebrate this day Its the greatest day for GEORGIANS  and of course for all orthodox..This day are valuable for us on this day we make cheese pies with eggs and have many sweets and fruits...
In the evening we go to the church and pray and bless to our GOD JESUS CHRIST..We say to each HAPPY CHRISTMAS ..

And the children go to the  streets and sing Alli-lo ,this is very old song and its about CHRIST...

I like this holiday very much...