Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today I am in a  good  mood and I want to speak about my feelings ambitions and so on..Everybody has such feelings and emotions ...somebody wants to get rich or something else.I am Georgian and I live in georgia.
Everybody knows how difficult is to gain something easily in life.But if the person has ambitions and wants to get something worth in life surely reaches if he/she does not give up.

I want to get more and more best in my life and to live more comfortable and well -being with my favourite people.I have a job and I work as a teacher.I teach English.And i like my job,it;s true that ni'm very tired at the end of the day but I feel satisfaction to teach people English.My best Friend and I have rent the building wher we are teaching people .He teaches computer he is a professinal in his work he knows computer very weel he write web-sites too he is a programist and likes what he does.

But we both  want more to get in life and we want to make more apportunity conditions for people and teach them very weel and necessary things how they want and what they want.
Without knowledge we cant reach nothing in this life and for that we must learn more and more ..this is a best way to live more bettter abd get the rightway.
we want to broadening and for that we need money and for that we work much to realize our wishes.
Careless life is good but without hard work and education we cant live such.So we must not think only entertainment and don't be lazy we must learn and work it's very pleasant feeling when we earn our own money and get somethina valuable in life with our own way .

I always wanted to travel around the world and see very beautiful places and countries but yet it's impossible for me because i have not so much monye to travel but i hope that one fine day my dreams will come true and i could to travel in the countries where I want ..My best friend whom i work always wished to buy a big Ship and travel by his own ship and i hope that his dreams will come true i beleive that he can to buy his dreaming ship because he is very clever person and can do anything...

It' very good when we have much money than we can do what we want and go wherever we want but no monye is not everything we must not forget that we are dying people and everuthing have its end only love and wishes have not end ..For me is very valuable great ferinship love, devote and education I think that they always stay with me and neve goes from me.Yes may be somebody thinks that love goes too and friendhip but if we take care to our love and friend they always will be with us.If we love person and if he/she is very important for us it has no sense he / she ll'be near us or not imporatnt is that we still love and think aabout them and they are always in our heart and mind.

Love is the most valuable thing from the God and it worth to live for love and the favourite person.

Good wishes to everybody and luck in everything.


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