Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The favorite friends

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life's biggest question .to be or not to be."

life is a deep sea which are full of many problems unexpected events and so on. and besides that we people hope to live last and happier to find something interest in our life which makes us independent and makes us more confident but very often we cant do anything and so that we are give up but that doesn't means nothing we must try do do everything for that to be independent and our live to be more happier and nicer that it is.

I know its difficult without courage and without the person who helps us and gives us the hope.we all of us need a person who'll be next to us and helps us to gain our plan and success.
 “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

Nothing in life is to be feared it's only to be understand!
“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


usually people don't say what they want to say and despite of this sometimes we are anxious about that.may be ,because we don't listen what we want to hear etc.

Words are more important that action feelings and presents.very often we prefer to hear kind, warm words in spite of to get  presents and so on...

Words may be  cruel bitter and warm but it can decide everything in everybody's life as mine.
I prefer to hear true and not words which are covered nicely and not true.

We must say what we want to say and what we meant and this helps us to find out the true and lie and explain to the other person what we want  mean and have in our mind and heart.If we are in desperate situation and don't know what to do or how solve our problems very often we call to our close friends or relatives and ask the advice which helps us.But happens such that our friend gives only hope and the his or her words has not strength of decision than we prefer to hear only hopeful words and not find the solution of the problem which makes us more trouble and craze  mood.

In this case it would be a better if we find the right way to decide our problems and dont pay the much attention to word if the words is meaningless.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The mystery of Boscombe Pool

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is the world's most famous detective.He was born in 1887, when Conan Doyle wrote A study in scarlet, the first of many sherlock Holmes stories.
He seems so real now that many people think he really lived.Arthur Conan Doyle worked as a doctor before he began to make money from writing He studied at Edinburgh University under a very clever man called Joseph
Bell.Bell could describe people's jobs and a lot of other things about them just by looking at them.

Holmes died in one his later stories because Conan Doyle wanted to stop  writing about him.But so many readers were unhappy that the writer had to bring him back.

About Of  Boscombe pool  is very interesting detective .

Who killed Charles McCarthy? And why? Was it really his son? Sherlock Holmes the famous English Detective ,must answer these questions.His friend DR.Watson helps him to find the murderer.Holmes believes that James McCartney is innocent  in this case and he decides to reveal that young man from the prison and to investigate the killing and close the case.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan  was a Portuguese explorer. He was born in Sabrosa, in northern Portugal, and served King Charles I of Spain in search of a westward route to the "Spice Islands" .

Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean (then named "peaceful sea" by Magellan; the passage being made via the Strait of Magellan), and the first to cross the Pacific. It also completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth, although Magellan himself did not complete the entire voyage, being killed during the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines. For background see Exploration of the Pacific.

Magellan was born around 1480 either at Vila Nova de Gaia, near Porto, in Douro Litoral Province, or at Sabrosa, near Vila Real, in Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Province, in Portugal. He was the son of Rodrigo de Magalhães, alcaide-mór of Aveiro (1433–1500) (son of Pedro Afonso de Magalhães and wife Quinta de Sousa) and wife Alda de Mesquita and brother of Leonor or Genebra de Magalhães, wife with issue of João Fernandes Barbosa.In March 1505, at the age of 25, Magellan enlisted in the fleet of 22 ships sent to host D. Francisco de Almeida as the first viceroy of Portuguese India. Although his name does not appear in the chronicles, it is known that he remained there eight years, in Goa, Cochin and Quilon. He participated in several battles, including the battle of Cannanore in 1506, where he was wounded. In 1509 he fought in the battle of Diu and later sailed under Diogo Lopes de Sequeira in the first Portuguese embassy to Malacca, with Francisco Serrão, his friend and possibly cousin.In 1511, under the new governor Afonso de Albuquerque, Magellan and Serrão participated in the conquest of Malacca. After the conquest their ways parted: Magellan was promoted, with a rich plunder, and in the company of a Malay he had indentured and baptized Enrique of Malacca, returned to Portugal in 1512. Serrão departed in the first expedition sent to find the "Spice Islands" in the Moluccas, where he remained, having married a woman from Amboina and becoming a military advisor to the Sultan of Ternate, Bayan Sirrullah.After taking a leave without permission, Magellan fell out of favour. Serving in Morocco he was wounded and got a permanent limp. He was also accused of trading illegally with the Moors. The accusations were proved false, but there were no further offers of employment after 15 May 1514. Later on in 1515, he got an employment offer as a crew member on a Portuguese ship, but rejected. In 1517 after a quarrel with King Manuel I, who denied his persistent demands to lead an expedition to reach the spice islands from the east (i.e., while sailing westwards, seeking to avoid the need to sail around the tip of Africa[8]), he left for Spain.

Meanwhile he devoted himself to studying the most recent charts, investigating, in partnership with cosmographer Rui Faleiro, a gateway from the Atlantic to the South Pacific and the possibility of the Moluccas being Spanish according to the demarcation of the Treaty of Tordesillas.The crew of about 270 included men from several nations: including Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, Germans, Flemish, Greeks, English and French.[14] Spanish authorities were wary of Magellan, so that they almost prevented him from sailing, switching his mostly Portuguese crew to mostly men of Spain. Nevertheless, it included about 40 Portuguese, among them Magellan's brother-in-law Duarte Barbosa, João Serrão, a relative of Francisco Serrão, Estêvão Gomes and also Magellan's indentured servant Enrique of Malacca. On 10 August 1519, the five ships under Magellan's command – Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Victoria and Santiago – left Seville and descended the Guadalquivir River to Sanlúcar de Barrameda, at the mouth of the river. There they remained more than five weeks. Finally they set sail on 20 September.

King Manuel I ordered a Portuguese naval detachment to pursue Magellan, but Magellan avoided them. After stopping at the Canary Islands, Magellan arrived at Cape Verde, where he set course for Cape St. Augustine in Brazil. On 27 November the expedition crossed the equator; on 6 December the crew sighted South America.

The journey resumed. The help of Duarte Barbosa was crucial to face the riot in Puerto San Julian, becoming since then captain of the Victoria. The Santiago was sent down the coast on a scouting expedition and was wrecked in a sudden storm. All of its crew survived and made it safely to shore. Two of them returned overland to inform Magellan of what had happened, and to bring rescue to their comrades.Heading northwest, the crew reached the equator on 13 February 1521. On 6 March they reached the Marianas and Guam. Magellan called Guam the "Island of Sails" because they saw a lot of sailboats. They renamed it to "Ladrones Island" (Island of Thieves) because many of Trinidad's small boats were stolen there. On 17 March Magellan reached the island of Homonhon in the Philippines, with 150 crew left. Members of his expedition became the first Spaniards to reach the Philippine archipelago, but they were not the first Europeans.
Magellan was able to communicate with the native tribes because his Malay interpreter, Enrique, could understand their languages. Enrique was indentured by Magellan in 1511 right after the colonization of Malacca and was at his side during the battles in Africa, during Magellan's disgrace at the King's court in Portugal and during Magellan's successful raising of a fleet.Magellan provided in his will that Enrique, his interpreter, was to be freed upon his death. However, after the Battle of Mactan, the remaining ships' masters refused to free Enrique. Enrique escaped his indenture on 1 May with the aid of Rajah Humabon, amid the deaths of almost 30 crewmen. Pigafetta had been jotting down words in both Butuanon and Cebuano languages – which he started at Mazaua on Friday, 29 March and grew to a total of 145 words – and was apparently able to continue communications during the rest of the voyage. "Nothing of Magellan's body survived, that afternoon the grieving rajah-king, hoping to recover his remains, offered Mactan's victorious chief a handsome ransom of copper and iron for them.
The two remaining ships, laden with valuable spices, attempted to return to Spain by sailing westwards. However, as they left the Spice Islands, the Trinidad began to take on water. The crew tried to discover and repair the leak, but failed. They concluded that Trinidad would need to spend considerable time being overhauled, but the small Victoria was not large enough to accommodate all the surviving crew. As a result, Victoria with some of the crew sailed west for Spain. Several weeks later, Trinidad departed and attempted to return to Spain via the Pacific route.Victoria set sail via the Indian Ocean route home on 21 December, commanded by Juan Sebastián Elcano. By 6 May the Victoria rounded the Cape of Good Hope, with only rice for rations. Twenty crewmen died of starvation before Elcano put into Cape Verde, a Portuguese holding, where he abandoned 13 more crew on 9 July in fear of losing his cargo of 26 tons of spices (cloves and cinnamon).

When Victoria, the one surviving ship, returned to the harbor of departure after completing the first circumnavigation of the Earth, only 18 men out of the original 237 men were on board. Among the survivors there were two Italians, Antonio Pigafetta and Martino de Judicibus. Martino de Judicibus (Spanish: Martín de Judicibus) was a Genoese or Savonese Chief Steward. His history is preserved in the nominative registers at the Archivo General de Indias in Seville, Spain. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

some things ...some pains ..and again hopes..

Very often happens such that we  hurt ,some people which are very important for us and don't think what we are doing or knowingly do.And so after appearing the result comes the day when we must prove our action but it 'has not matter if we are  right or not.Some things are more important for us than the person and we look after non important things than feelings and we forget about that how painful  will be the truth for other person.Sometimes ,when we lost our thing we cry but not weep when we are losing our favorite person.And don't mention it.That's terrible.

After desperate and pain again comes hope...The start of the new life and the chance to be a happy and change everything in our life.Usually it's normal when the person wants to start new life but it happens so easily after the desperate..

Everything needs care and to look after has not sense it's the feelings or not....
We van easily forget good things but not pain and suffer.yes we can forgive something but not everything!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Why people are so violent?

Everyday I think about that  why we people are so angry and violent to each other and why we lie ? Why? I think and i have no correct answer to that .Sometimes I think that this is maybe we have no way or can't do anything..But it;s not a true .we can change our life and live fairly..Happens such that we bring pain to each other and then regret about that,,but we must remember that last days never happens and we cant return back those days which we can change and make ourselves more lighter and cheerful.

But no, we only think only about ourselves and nothing more.

Life is so vary and the people are difference too and some people have no feelings except coldness and harm.
How I want that people to be trust each other and make each other happier.Every night when I look at the clear sky full of with brightness stars and moon I wonder how beautiful is and i Dream to get here between the moon and the stars, wher is always light and brightness and I ''m sure there 'll be wonderful too.But it'would be better if the earth be so clear and the people too.

But our world is now dark and the some people have dark soul too.How I want that in our hearts never to be pain hurt and revenge feeling which often is.when we are angry to somebody we want to take revenge on him ,or her and our wish gets more stronger and stronger,and we don't understand that such felling hurts only us not nobody else.And if we gain our aim and punish somebody 'very often happens that we regret our action.

So, I wanted to say that nothing has no matter what happens in our life if we cant to forgive our mistakes
.We can learn of our mistakes and without mistakes nobody cant understand such emotion and feeling as the person who made  a lot of mistakes.I know some of us wants to change life in a better way and wishes that but it's impossible But it's possible not to make the same mistakes in life and learn to live easily and freely.


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today I am in a  good  mood and I want to speak about my feelings ambitions and so on..Everybody has such feelings and emotions ...somebody wants to get rich or something else.I am Georgian and I live in georgia.
Everybody knows how difficult is to gain something easily in life.But if the person has ambitions and wants to get something worth in life surely reaches if he/she does not give up.

I want to get more and more best in my life and to live more comfortable and well -being with my favourite people.I have a job and I work as a teacher.I teach English.And i like my job,it;s true that ni'm very tired at the end of the day but I feel satisfaction to teach people English.My best Friend and I have rent the building wher we are teaching people .He teaches computer he is a professinal in his work he knows computer very weel he write web-sites too he is a programist and likes what he does.

But we both  want more to get in life and we want to make more apportunity conditions for people and teach them very weel and necessary things how they want and what they want.
Without knowledge we cant reach nothing in this life and for that we must learn more and more ..this is a best way to live more bettter abd get the rightway.
we want to broadening and for that we need money and for that we work much to realize our wishes.
Careless life is good but without hard work and education we cant live such.So we must not think only entertainment and don't be lazy we must learn and work it's very pleasant feeling when we earn our own money and get somethina valuable in life with our own way .

I always wanted to travel around the world and see very beautiful places and countries but yet it's impossible for me because i have not so much monye to travel but i hope that one fine day my dreams will come true and i could to travel in the countries where I want ..My best friend whom i work always wished to buy a big Ship and travel by his own ship and i hope that his dreams will come true i beleive that he can to buy his dreaming ship because he is very clever person and can do anything...

It' very good when we have much money than we can do what we want and go wherever we want but no monye is not everything we must not forget that we are dying people and everuthing have its end only love and wishes have not end ..For me is very valuable great ferinship love, devote and education I think that they always stay with me and neve goes from me.Yes may be somebody thinks that love goes too and friendhip but if we take care to our love and friend they always will be with us.If we love person and if he/she is very important for us it has no sense he / she ll'be near us or not imporatnt is that we still love and think aabout them and they are always in our heart and mind.

Love is the most valuable thing from the God and it worth to live for love and the favourite person.

Good wishes to everybody and luck in everything.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

why we have so many problems?

problem is an obstacle, impediment, difficulty or challenge, or any situation that invites resolution; the resolution of which is recognized as a solution or contribution toward a known purpose or goal. A problem implies a desired outcome coupled with an apparent deficiency, doubt or inconsistency that prevents the outcome from taking place.
Every theoretical problem asks for an answer or solution. Trying to find a solution to a problem is known as problem solving.
In society, a problem can refer to particular social issues, which if solved would yield social benefits, such as increased harmony or productivity, and conversely diminished hostility and disruption.
In business and engineering, a problem is a difference between actual conditions and those that are required or desired. Often, the causes of a problem are not known, in which case root cause analysis is employed to find the causes and identify corrective actions.
In computability theory a decision problem requires a simple yes-or-no answer.
Never let a problem to be solved become more important than the person to be loved.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.

The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

My biggest problem is what to do about all the things I can't do anything about

Science... never solves a problem without creating ten more.

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.

Laugh at your problems; everybody else does.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

The way we see the problem is the problem

The solution of every problem is another problem

If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.

Problems was and will be always we must learn to solve them and find the right solution.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I never Give up never!

I'm very proud person and i like when somebody  appreciates me as i deserve.And of course everybody are proud and every body have self respect.There are many things in our life that we don't like and don't wish but it's our daily life and we must accept it but not not to everything.
Maybe someone thinks that if don't say nothing or complain about something that does not mean that we are agree to everything.
I want to do something such as I want and of course someone like it but only with my mind and my wish and not to another persons will and order.
we can accept someone's advice or suggestion and discuss it but not nod to it if we don't like it.
I know there are many problems and difficulties and everything would not be such as we want but we must not give up
Problems was is, and we 'll be in the future too and the people who likes to order everything what to do? where to go? and so on but  At first we must remember that we are owner to our minds and our wishes..

Life is too short for that to live by somebody's orders or points  and not go to risk if we don't act such we lose the deal of our action and our life.
I prefer to make mistakes and to accuse myself than to do something by someone's order and than regret why do I listen to him, . or her.
This is absurd and i can't understood those people who cant decide himself      (herself ) what to do or how to live without other persons advise and point.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Les miserables Pictures.!

This is from the film Les Miserables...

Whether true or false, what is said about men often has as much influence on their lives, and particularly on their destinies, as what they do.

We do not claim that the portrait we present here is a true one, only that it comes close.

In passing, we might say that success is a hideous thing. Its false similarity to merit deceives men...They confuse heaven's radiant stars with a duck's footprint left in the mud.

Liberation is not deliverance. A convict may leave prison behind but not his sentence.

A thing that smoked and clacked along on the Seine, making the noise of a swimming dog, came and went beneath the windows of the Tuileries, from the Pont Royal to the Pont Louis XV; it was a machine of little value, a kind of toy, the daydream of a visionary, a utopia -- a steamboat. The Parisians regarded the useless thing with indifference.

Each of our passions, even love, has a stomach that must not be overloaded. We must in all things write the word finis in time; we must restrain ourselves, when it becomes urgent, draw the bolt on the appetite, play a fantasia on the violin, then break the strings with our own hand.

For Cosette, read Euphrasie. The name of the little one was Euprhasie. But the mother had made Cosette out of it, by that sweet and charming instinct of mothers and of the people, who change Josefa into Pepita, and Francoise into Sillette. It is a kind of derivation that confuses and disconcerts the entire science of etymology.

There are certain natures that cannot have love on one side without hatred on the other.

A soul for a piece of bread. Misery makes the offer; society accepts.

When they saw him making money, they said "He is a merchant." When they saw the way in which he scattered his money, they said, "He is ambitious. "When they saw him refuse honors, they said, "He is an adventurer."When they saw him repel the advances of the fashionable, they said, "He is a brute."

For prying into other people's affairs, none are equal to those of whom it is no concern.
The sunshine was enchanting: the branches of the trees had that gentle tremor of May that seems to come from the birds' nests more than from the wind. A hardy little bird, probably in love, was desperately singing away in a tall tree.

To paint a battle requires those mighty artists with chaos in their brush.

He plainly perceived the truth: from then on she would be the basis of his life, so long as she were there, so long as he had her with him, he would need nothing except her and fear nothing except on her account. He did not even feel cold, even though he had taken off his coat to cover her.

So long as man is a child, God wills him to be innocent.
He smiled habitually as a matter of good business and tried to be polite to everybody, even to the beggar to whom he was refusing a penny.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Missing.. what is a missing??? It's a strange but very pleasant feeling when we are missing somebody.we are missing some one who is very far from us lives in another country, or have not seen for ages...Or lives in heaven unfortunately...but missing may be very painful too.When we have lost someone or is not with us.

but we remember always this person and think about him, or her constantly,and always are in our mind ...When we thought about the person whom we miss we felt something pleasant in our body and than we felt that he , she is somewhere near.

sometimes it's very hard to put feeling into words but i want you know that i'm thinking about you every minute! missing you more with passing days....

Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.

Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.

I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct it's light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to.

What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Within you I lose myself...
Without you I find myself
Wanting to be lost again...

Monday, September 19, 2011


Manderley is the fictional estate of the character Maxim de Winter, and it plays a central part in Daphne du Maurier's 1938 novel, Rebecca, and in the film adaptation by Alfred Hitchcock. Located in southern England . Manderley is a typical country estate: it is filled with family heirlooms, is run by a large domestic staff and is open to the public on certain days. In spite of the house's beauty, the main character, the unnamed "I," who has become mistress of Manderley, senses an atmosphere of doom about it, due to the death of Max's first wife (the titular Rebecca), and it is hinted that she haunts the estate.

As a result of the novel's popularity, the name "Manderley" became extremely popular as a name for ordinary houses, and at one time was the most common house name in the UK.

Rebecca is a novel by Daphne du Maurier. When Rebecca was published in 1938, due Maurier became – to her great surprise – one of the most popular authors of the day. Rebecca is considered to be one of her best works. Some observers have noted parallels with Jane Eyre.Rebecca has been adapted several times. The most notable of these was the Academy Award winning 1940 Alfred Hitchcock film version Rebecca, the first film Hitchcock made under his contract with David O. Selznick.

Rebecca has been adapted for television both by the BBC and by Carlton Television. The 1980 BBC version starred Joanna David as the second Mrs. de Winter; it was broadcast in the United States on PBS as part of its Mystery! series.On 28 September 2006 a musical version of Rebecca premièred at the Raimund Theater in Vienna, Austria.In July 2011, it was announced that Rebecca would officially be starting previews on March 27th, 2012 - Sierra Boggess is expected to play the lead role.
It's an intresting book for reading and very nice film to watch!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


This article is about the novel. For the eponymous character, see Count Dracula.

Dracula is an 1897 epistolary novel by Irish author Bram Stoker, featuring as its primary antagonist the vampire Count Dracula.Dracula has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the Gothic novel and invasion literature.The novel is mainly composed of journal entries and letters written by several narrators who also serve as the novel's main protagonists; Stoker supplemented the story with occasional newspaper clippings to relate events not directly witnessed by the story's characters.

The tale begins with Jonathan Harker, a newly qualified English solicitor, journeying by train and carriage from England to Count Dracula's crumbling, remote castle. The purpose of his mission is to provide legal support to Dracula for a real estate transaction overseen by Harker's employer, Peter Hawkins, of Exeter in England. At first enticed by Dracula's gracious manner, Harker soon discovers that he has become a prisoner in the castle.

Harker barely escapes from the castle with his life.The book closes with a note about Mina's and Jonathan's married life and the birth of their first-born son, whom they name after all four members of the party, but refer to only as Quincey in remembrance of their American friend.

When it was first published, in 1897, Dracula was not an immediate bestseller, although reviewers were unstinting in their praise. However, some Victorian fans were ahead of the time, describing it as "the sensation of the season" and "the most blood-curdling novel of the paralyzed century".Similarly good reviews appeared when the book was published in the U.S. in 1899. The first American edition was published by Doubleday and McClure in New York.
Although Dracula is a work of fiction, it does contain some historical references. The historical connections with the novel and how much Stoker knew about the history are a matter of conjecture and debate.The Dracula legend as he created it, and as it has been portrayed in films and television shows, may be a compound of various influences.The story of Dracula has been the basis for countless films and plays.

Les Miserables: by Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo's Les Miserables is one of the greatest novels of the 19 th century.In the book he describes and criticizes the social injustice, in France between the fall of Napoleon in 1815 and the failed revolution against King Louis -Philippe in 1832.
Les Miserables is a French phrase that cannot be translated exactly into English.In French it has two meanings;It means people who live in misery, it also means people who live outside society in total poverty.

Hugo's interest in social justice and his concern for these miserables is obvious.Les miserables is a great novel because Hugo was aRomantic at geart and the book is fiiled with moments of great poetry and beauty.it has adepth of vision and inner truth that make it a timeless classic, one of the great works of western literature.

Les miserables hero,Jean Valjean is free at last after nineteen years in prizon.Cold, and hungry he is rejected by everyone he meets.
But Jeans life is changed for ever when he dicovers love.He spends the rest if his life helping people, like himself, who have been victims of poverty and social injustice and adops the little girl named Cosseta whose mother died.

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's easy to break up!

Relationship between to people is sensible, attractive and nice only at first bur after along time however it becomes boring and we are ready to break up.Why? what's happens?what's the reason? if we love this person or loved once and was everything for us why we want to destroy everything what we built from the beginning till today? Is it our fault or the our partner? who can answer this questions? Of course we accuse our partner in everything and not ourselves.

Relationship , between to lovely persons are very responsibility sense and not only sex,is important in love .when we are in love we must learn more about love, and how to Keefe our love and mot becoming boring and awful for us.Love is a thing that can came in our heart immediately and not asking us if we wish or not.when we are in love we feel ourselves in the 9 th sky but when the difficulties rises we turn back and shut our eyes not to see the problems and unfortunately very often we look for the other person or easy way to break up.And we must confession that it is not a
decision to avoid problems and to say true it's not fair to hurt another person.
If the attitude is not stability and steady with our partner we must explain him or her freely what" the matter and not push or lie .In any case it brings more , and more problems both.
Some one may be thinks that love and relationship has not feelings or responsibilities and the main is sex, or to be the near to our partner, but it is not such.May be at first we start the contact to other person for relax , or we like he or she very much and when we are together we spend time very well and think only ourselves and nothing more and have not any responsibilities to each other.But when the connection goes in deeper and more deeper feelings or attitude changes , and becomes awful perhaps happens such that we miss the lack of attention or love from our partner and begins jealousy, what does not like our partner if he or she wants freely confection and not love and responsibilities in this case we must take ourselves in a hand and clear up everything and observe if it" Worth to last confection or not.I know it would very painful and unforgeable to lose the person whom we trusted or loved but what can we do if this person does not want love or to think seriously about confection, ??? Only suffer ourself and nothing more. And losing the person forever .

But it will be more impossible and dificult to catc this person in force and withou love us, no one be happy and we lose the hope of the future too.

To be with lover person is more difficult for that we must know what is areal love, undersatding to each other, attention, goodness, sympathy, and apprecieate and if we hav not this feelings it's impossible to love someone .To love is a talent .And to break up is easy!

Good advice!

We have friends for that to give us  a good advice and to be with our side but sometimes happens on the contrary that the advice is not a good teacher for us and we make foolish things.
Very often I think it"s a goos choice to ask an advice friends and family or it would be better if we listen to our heart and make decision ourselves And if we make mistake it "ll be our mistake and nobody others..

sometimes i need a good advice to decide something in a right and i ask an advice to my mother and friends ,usually i accept their advice and think that the advice is good but very often it" irritate me when i see that they pointing me what to do and not help me, or give me an advice.It" awful when somebody tries to enter in your life and decide  everything without your permission or without asking ..It's not right every one has own life and has right to decide what to do? or how to live?
And if the friend or the members of the family want to help or give the advice must be careful and fair and not try to make something as he  (she) likes and not the person whose life indeed.

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.
Oscar Wilde
  Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them.
Khalil Gibran.

I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about.
Henry Ford

Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.
Anne Frank

I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations - one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it - you will regret both.

No one can give you better advice than yourself.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Teachers profession!

Education is very important all of us and there are many trades and professions which we can learn and than teach others.I think that the teachers profession is one of the noble profession and it"s a great responsibility to teach others.At firs we must be the best skills in our profession and must have a great patience to teach every person are individual and every one needs special approach and encourage to learn.

I"m a teacher and i know what" the teaching I teach English language the adults and i like mu job yes, it"s very tired work but very pleasant when see that you get the excellent result from your student .Surely all of can"t learn equal but the teacher must try the best to give the student s the maximum of the knowledge.

When the person learns ,well it" the way of the good job and best life.Without education we can"t reach anything this life only knowledge helps us to keep the good job and to live normal.

No man who worships education has got the best out of education.... Without a gentle contempt for education no man's education is complete.

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

He who opens a school door, closes a prison. ~Victor Hugo

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

I read Shakespeare and the Bible, and I can shoot dice. That's what I call a liberal education.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught.
To me education is a leading out of what is already there in the pupil's soul.:"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

our sins!

Why people always make faults and then regret? If the person regrets it" good and this means that it" a beginning to star on the right way.
But very often happens on the contrary.The humans being is made such that we constantly make mistakes and fall in troubles it is our nature.we want or don"t want we always make guilts it" not matter it"s a serious or not we only say lie or trait some one or kill anybody. we are thief or not it" not matter the guilt is plain or very serious sin is sin and we must get our prize for that and we know that our cross is to regret our sins in front of the God.
The best way to confession ,our sins is the church and to pray for our faults in front of the icons and must pray with a whole heart that God forgive our mistakes.We must be closer to the God to feel his love and patience to us.

we all are people and we all make mistakes nobody is sinless and all of us have one more chance to confession sins . know life is very difficult and may be sometimes we don"t want to say lie or make mistake but circumstance fetches and then we are catch it up .

But God gives us chance to change our habits and to live right and gives us strenght and we look forward to the life ,with anew eye and full of hopefull.But at first we must find power in ourselves and have a faith.If we don"t try to change and last to make faults and make other people to live in suffer near our side than we destroy our life and those people who lives with us and have not fault in to nothing.And that makes our sins more and more havier and it would be more difficult to save our soul and get in to the heaven. wher our soul goes after death and the life on the earth is a minute and nothing.God died for us to save our souls and e must pray for God and for us to save ouselves and tose peole we love!

Monday, September 12, 2011

smile :)

I write about everything what i want and what i like.I always liked to make a notebook and to write about my feelings and expressions in it.And one day my friend, my best friend tell me to make the blob,and write about everything what i wanted .the difference between, my private note book and this site is that here everyone can read what i Write, and I like it.

I know that our private life is only us and nobody must not know everything but if we share each other news, and something interesting it would not be bad.
Such we can introduce to each other and visit many amazing sites.I"s good.
There ara many happier days in our life and of course sad too and despite of the life is fine,because we have a hope and wishes and all of us wants that everything to be better.Everyday is fine and the people who loves us and needs us are our support to last the life.It"s good when our heart is full of with joy and happiness.

I love laugh very much and I always laugh when i"m in agood mood, and for that my best friends calls me smailika it"s my nickname.And i like it.It"s good when you aer in agood mood and make everyone to feel cheerfull to your side.I think that the person must be a positive and than everybody wishes to be with her or his side, I know we all have problems and sometimes we are not in mood to laugh but don"t forget that the problems are always and would be anytime ,despite of this we must try to make our life cheerfull and to smile!

Dont worry be happy!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

what is the love?

I think that love one of the greatest sens in humans life. for love we can make madness and be crazy.I"m happy person because i know what is a love, and i can make madness things when i"m in love.for love we can do anything ,it"s a great sense it takes our soul and body entirely and only we think about our sweet heart     and nothing.

for me love is a gift from god,and i know we must take care and be more careful,about our love.without love,I think life would be mistake.when we love we are most happiest person in the world, and we see everything more nicer,and things more colorful.              it"s a great when we are fall in love with somebody or someone loves us.
It"s wonderful sense when our favorite person cares to us ,and it"s very pleasant when we feel the great love.we must appreciate, to each others feelings and love each other more, and more before the death don't separates us.Real love never ends,never it always stays in our heart and mind.

Friday, September 9, 2011

What is a reason our daily life?

I think that everything can be our lives reason .e.g love, friendship. marriage, baby  or work and the company where we work.Every day  I think how people feel themselves and  what are their lives reason?? It's easy to understand all of us has feelings heart and view about the world and about the things.

Life is short for that to hate people and they which brought us pain and trouble, but if we can we must forgive and forget everything bad, and think only good and nothing more.I know  when we are in a desperate situation and we feel anger  this sin not easy to forget everything and that person who made us so many problems and may be destroyed our life.But life goes on , on it's way and we must continue our life and walk on the long and maybe sometimes on a thorny path.
 Every morning when I wake up ,first I think what happens today new? And How the day ends.Everyday life is very boring often and I want that something to change in my life , of course in a good way.Every body wants this, I"m sure.I have a lot of plan in my life and I want to built my plans and dreams .

Every moment , every hour and minute is very important for us in this world  and we must"not waste our time only the think about worse and revenge and we must not give up.God create the world in 7 days and give us everything, to live and to make our lives.

Only wish is not enough, we must act and everything would be better, if we open the eyes wide and see the how nice is the world and see the we have a chance to change  want we want  than we could see what is a reason our daily life.patience, love, and friendship are the best what we have and the family.

Ad for that we must be thankful for the God !

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About me , and about my dreams....

I"m a person who likes freedom and independent..I like to spend my free time with my favorite person, to chat with my best friends or to be alone.Its strange but I like very much when I"m alone and dream or think about something or someone.I have a very strange character sometimes I "m in a good mood or on the contrary.I think that I" a changeable person.But despite of my mood i don"t like to hurt someone  and this never happens.

As everybody i have a good and bad habits..I have made many mistakes in my life and then regret ..Life is difficult and it"s full of with many pains and  problems.I always wanted not to make mistakes and to live right but sometimes it"s difficult  we people can"t always control our selfs.May be I have made mistakes that  i was looked this world in a pink colors and never thought that life was bitter and the people always was not good and they shows us the mask face and not real face.

I know  that all of us makes mistakes but if we can recover our wishes and think more carefully everything would be differently.I have a dreamer nature , and I like to dream, about good of course want that my dreams to come true and I believe it .Life is a game, and all can"t win, but I think its worth to risk .

If we want to reach something we must risk ,in any case we "ll stay only one place and nothing changes in our lives.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone.

“It's so lonely when you don't even know yourself.”sometimes the are people around us but inspire of we feel loneness and alone ourself.And why is that? very often i have a such feeling that something or someone is missing inside of me.And usually that makes me to feel myself alone and lonely person.
“When we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most”people can"t be alone .About for me I can"t be alone it makes me mad.I need a real friend always next to me to share my feelings with her.And of course a person which I love the most of all in the world and who is everything for me.

And there I want to tell that despite of this that we have a good friend and the person we love, but very often we feel alone.

“The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.”

To live alone is very boring and unusefull for a person.“Loneliness is the most terrible poverty.”

“Who knows what true loneliness is - not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion.”
“Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone”
P.S “What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.”

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happines .or how to be happy.

Happiness that is the one of the most unrecognizable subject for me.All of us wants to be a happy and everybody are interested in if the happiness really exists or not.Or it"s the peoples imagination.? I think that happiness is really exists and it"s near to us.First of all, we must be realistic.Nobody is happy all of the time, and it is perfectly normal to have variations in moods and feelings,from day to day, month to month, and even year to year. At any time and at any age, though, it is possible to feel happier than you have been and here are some ideas for you to consider.

Most fundamentally, recognize that happiness is a state of mind and not something which can be defined objectively. You can change your state of mind in many ways including these suggestions.Perhaps above all, be as healthy as you can. Nothing is more valuable than your health and little is more likely to make you unhappy than ill-health.

More importantly than anything else, if you can live with a partner whom you love and respect and who feels the same about you. Kiss and cuddle and compliment often and regularly buy unexpected little gifts. Share your triumphs and your troubles.Evidence shows that a good relationship will not only make you happier; it will enable you to live longer.There are many ways to get happiness: Practice mindfulness. Be in the moment.
. Laugh out loud. Go to sleep. We have become a nation of sleep-deprived citizens.Make a list. There's nothing like writing down your tasks to help you organize your thoughts and calm your anxiety. Checking off each item provides a great sense of fulfillment.

. Scent the air. Research finds that the benefits of aromatherapy in relieving stress are real.Visit a quiet place. Libraries, museums, gardens, and places of worship provide islands of peace and calm in today's frantic world.While happy people are more likely to help others, helping others increases your happiness.
 Although relationships are one of the best antidotes to stress, sometimes you need time alone to recharge and reflect. Take yourself out to lunch or to a movie, or simply spend an afternoon reading. or listen to the pleasant music and we want to speak with someone we can chat with the person whom we can speak freely and so on.

 People who pause each day to reflect on some positive aspect of their lives (their health, friends, family, freedom, education, etc.) experience a heightened sense of well-being.All people can reach happiness. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011


When someone says “I'm developing feelings for you,” the message is “I'm The way a person feels inside is important. It can be really hard not to tell anyone that you're feeling sad, worried, or upset falling in love with you.” Feelings for are always positive feelings. Now let speak about our feelings,Sharing your feelings helps you when your feelings are good and when they aren't so good. Sharing also helps you to get closer to people you care about and who care about you.

 If you keep feelings locked inside, it can even make you feel sick!Once you know who you can talk with, you'll want to pick a time and place to talk. Does it need to be private, or can you talk with your brother and sister in the room? If you think you'll have trouble saying what's on your mind, write it down on a piece of paper.It helps you .If the person doesn't understand what you mean right away, try explaining it a different way or give an example of what's concerning you.. Sometimes you need help. And if you do, talking about your feelings can be the first step toward getting it.

“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”It"s a good  feeling quote.

sometimes we people cant" speak loudly about our feelings and to say true it" snot good we must tell our feelings to other people of course not stranger but  the friend we must share our feelings to each other and help to each other.And it"s possible that help us not to make mistakes and to avoid the suffer.
 Now i want there to write the most cleverest quotes about feelings they are written by the famous writers.
1.“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
2.“Feelings are not supposed to be logical. Dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions.”
3.“You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.”
4.“Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for.”
5.“The best way of forgetting how you think you feel is to concentrate on what you know you know.”
6.“Feelings are everywhere - be gentle.”
7.“Tell me what you feel in your room when the full moon is shining in upon you and your lamp is dying out, and I will tell you how old you are, and I shall know if you are happy”
8.“There are beautiful people in similar situations, feeling very much the same things as we. And though we are alone, in a way we are not, and for me there's a comfort in that.”
9.“Feelings are real and legitimate; children behave and misbehave for a reason, even if adults cannot figure it out.”
10.“So when you are listening to somebody, completely, attentively, then you are listening not only to the words, but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed, to the whole of it, not part of it.”
11.“The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence; not in silence, but restraint”
12.“Sometimes my feelings are so hot that I have to take the pen and put them out on paper to keep them from setting me afire inside; then all that ink and labor are wasted because I can't print the results”
13.“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Work and salary

Many people say that they are working many hours.They don't have enough time with their families ,and they don't have time to relax.Work hours vary from one country to another.In France people work about 1,646 hours a year at work.However in Japan people work about 2,159 hours a year.

Why do people work so many hours? Some people work extra hours because they want to earn more money.But very often some thinks that to work extra hours  are their duty.However many companies don"t pay overtime.Their employees don"t get extra pay for extra work.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France people get 5 weeks of paid vacation.In Germany they get from 4 to 6 weeks.In the United states  2 weeks , of vacations  is the average.In English people say: All work and no play makes Jack a dull, boy:And if this is true, then there are lot of dull people in the world!

Many people think that the salary is a private information..What are the best paying jobs?In the United states: doctors, dentists, and pilots, get the highest salaries. Why is that? May be it is because it takes many years  of study to enter these professions. And which jobs pay the lowest salaries? All of the lowest -paying  jobs are connected  to food.  Cooks in the fast restaurants and the waiters  get the lowest salaries in the United states.

But in any case  all of us need job .To live more comfortable and to be independence! No money is not everything , but everything needs money.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Animals....our pets.

As we know everybody has friend and sometimes persons friend may be domestic animals.e.g.dog, cat. ,horse, sea-dog dolphin ,and so on .And i want to say that very often they are the best friends than people.

dolphins travel in a group. Dolphins are mammals,not fish,but they swim together They can't speak but they show their feelings with sounds.They tell when they are happy, sad or afraid.Dolphins have been interacting with humans for as long as we have known of their existence.Dolphins are wonderful creatures that seem to be extremely intelligent and friendly, we still are a huge threat for dolphins.Dolphins are warm blooded, like man.
They are highly sociable animals living in groups,called pods which are fairly fluid. Dolphins carry their young inside their womb for about 12 months. The baby is born tail first, and its mother will feed the calf for up to 2 years.Dolphins make  a few sounds above the water. And they make many more sounds under the water.People cant here the sound because they are very , very high. Unfortunately ,sometimes people catch dolphins for a large  aquarium.They can watch dolphins in a show.But people don: understand that dolphins does not like to be away from their family and that makes them very unhappy.There are many stories about dolphin they help people, sometimes they save somebody's life.Old people say that dolphins bring good luck.

I think that the horse is a devote friend for the people .I like this animal very much.The horse has been with man throughout history and has served a variety of practical purposes, most notably horses have been used as a means of transport, as a work horse in agriculture and in battle combat.Drawings of the horse dated around 3000 BC exist and the book of Job refers to the horse and his rider hunting ostriches.Horses and ponies are herd animals and used to living as part of a group, feeling secure in the company of other equines and familiar surroundings. The horse's sense of hearing is very acute and its sense of smell is also good enabling it to sense danger some distance away.The horse can indicate its own feelings in a number of ways and the ears are a good indication of what is going through a horse's mind.Owning a horse is a big responsibility, and not to be taken lightly. Owning a horse takes time, money and planning.It need a good care.Horses are very , very beautiful animals and clever too.